Certificate in English Grammar
Our Certificate in English Grammar course covers all the basics of English grammar, in an easy to read format with self-correcting tasks to aid your understanding.
Course overview
Who is this course for?
You may want to teach English or enrol on a TEFL course but are not sure that your knowledge of English grammar and how the language works is as complete as it could be. This is just the course you have been looking for!
Grammar is the nuts and bolts of a language. We follow certain rules and conventions which allow us to achieve our purposed communication with another person.
Course content
This short course covers the English tense system. How to form present, past and future tense forms, simple continuous and perfect along with stative and active verbs.
Lots of practical exercises and activities are provided to help you both understand the English tense systems and how to explain these to your learner.
Certificate in Phonetics and Phonology
This 20 hour course covers both the study of Phonology (the sounds of a particular language) and Phonetics (the sounds in language).
Course overview
This course is particularly suitable for those who have completed a certificate level course and who wish to deepen their knowledge in this area.
• It will also appeal to those who wish to show evidence of C.P.D. -(Continuing Professional Development).
• It is available to both native and non-native speakers.
• The assignments are both varied and challenging and are designed to allow the student to explore phonology and the teaching of pronunciation in considerable depth.
• It forms part of the Diploma in TESOL course programme and gives exemption from the phonology section of module four along with reduced fees as appropriate.
Course content
1.1.1 Consonants
Place of articulation
Manner of articulation
1.1.2 Vowels
2.1.1 The phonemes of English: CONSONANTS
2.1.2 The phonemes of English: VOWELS
2.1.3 Word Stress
2.1.4 Rhythm
2.1.5 Intonation
2.1.6 Minimal pairs
Essays and work to be submitted
Further reading
Certificate in Teaching One to One
This qualification demonstrates that a teacher has learned and is able to apply the knowledge and skills specifically required when teaching in a one to one situation which is quite different from normal multiple student class environment.
Course overview
Teachers learn how to deal with the intensity this brings and the handling and design of teaching materials specifically created or adapted for this type of teaching. Elements such as needs analysis and preparation along with teacher roles are explored in order to equip the teacher to this demanding but highly rewarding area of education.
Certificate in Teaching Pronunciation
This is a short and very practical course covering basic approaches, techniques and tips for improving your students' pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Course overview
This is a short and very practical course covering basic approaches, techniques and tips for improving your students' pronunciation, stress and intonation.
Course content
The following topics are covered:
• The phonemic chart.
• minimal pairs discrimination.
• voiced and unvoiced sounds.
• the unstressed vowel or schwa.
• pronunciation exercises, activities and games.
• phonemic bingo.
• stressed and unstressed syllables.
• different ways of showing stress patterns.
• intonation as the music and melody of language.
• rising and falling patterns.
Certificate in Teaching Vocabulary
This is a short and practical course aimed at developing the teacher's skills in the introduction and teaching of vocabulary.
Course overview
This is a short and practical course aimed at developing the teacher's skills in the introduction and teaching of vocabulary.
Course content
This course covers the following topics:
• Definition.
• Explanation.
• Pictures and visual media.
• Realia.
• Mime and gesture.
• Opposites.
• Pre-teaching vocabulary.
• Games, tips and hints.
• Less restrictive practice.
• Authentic practice.
• Student centred presentation.
• Concept questions.
• Criteria for selection of vocabulary to reach.
• Lexical sets/collocation.
Diploma in Business English Writing
A comprehensive program that takes the student step by step towards developing the skills, and techniques necessary to communicate effectively and to produce business documents.
The course is suitable for students of all ages who want to be able to write English to a high standard.
You will learn how to:
• structure and improve your business documents.
• avoid common spelling and grammar mistakes.
• write in a clear and concise style.
• get your meaning across in a positive manner.
The course and your personal tutor will show you how to write letters, reports, emails, proposals, memos, agendas and meeting summaries etc.